Category Archives: Parts Washing

Walsh Manufacturing: Manufacturing In the Trenches

Being in the manufacturing business for fifty years, Walsh Manufacturing has plenty of experience working with consumers one-on-one to create metal fabrication solutions. Calling on five decades of experience, our work might include the redesign of a current machine, making improvements to an existing system, or looking at processes to create changes and cut expenses. All of these elements involve a key unifier, the drive to create solutions through problem solving and research and development.

For some manufacturing companies, problem solving is a foundational element and considered business as usual. For others, the innovation process is viewed as something that is costly and only employed when necessary. These are two very different viewpoints, but it should come as no surprise Walsh Manufacturing always falls on the side of problem solving and process improvement. A new non-refundable tax credit announced in December that goes against the Commercial Activity Act (CAT) could be a way to make continuous R&D more appealing to more Ohio manufacturers. Continue Reading »

The Difference that Custom Makes in Parts Washing

There are certain things that you would never undertake on your own. Whether that is foregoing a trip to the dentist by opting for a do-it-yourself crown or filling, conducting any kind of medical procedure or cutting your own hair. While there could be overarching exceptions to this rule, it seems fair to say that many agree that certain industries have a very important role that cannot be easily replicated by just anyone.

Washing as a whole would appear to be a straightforward process. Just think, several times a day we wash a number of things including teeth, faces, clothing and the dishes we eat off of. In many of those examples it’s easy to tell when something is done correctly and that the level of clean is indeed beneficial, but when it comes to the complex and evolving parts washing business all is not as straightforward as it may seem. Continue Reading »